It’s superhero time

Emerald City Comic Con starts today and will be happening throughout the weekend. In my opnion it’s fun to step outside the box from time to time and be an alter-ego of sorts, happily surprise others with your unexpected daring, fun, playful, & bold perspectives and actions.  That is how I see events like these, a way to stay in touch with the magic of our youth that was imagination. This is just me for a weekend, at high noon on Monday I return back to my more familiar self.

my comic avatar
my comic avatar, a light-bearing freedom fighter

It’s a Purple Rain kind of night in Seattle

           If you are in Seattle tonight and a Prince fan, then this is set to be a stellar evening. They are playing Purple Rain at the SIFF Cinerama uptown tonight, April 18th.  It’s been 30 years since this iconic movie was released and I became a fan of this musical genius.  Enjoy a carefree night of reminiscing and new memories.
          ‘Purple Rain’

 Are you ready to purify yourself in Lake Minnetonka? Will you cry with me when Prince plays the titular song? This movie is a modern classic, and if you don’t show up to this, someone will come to your house and ride a motorcycle over everything you love. The movie is great on its own (daddy issues, nudity, and intensely catchy ’80s pop songs), but tonight there are free inflatable guitars and a Prince music video sing-along. What are you waiting for? Let’s hug, let’s dance, let’s live this moment together. (SIFF Cinema Uptown, 511 Queen Anne Ave N,, 9:30 pm, $13)