Tag: seattle
Holiday cheer time of year
Spread holiday cheer this year – volunteer, donate, connect
Yuletide is a time of year for appreciation, generosity, kindness, magic, love, and all those other warm feeling moods. There are many ways to take part and I hope that you do. Regardless of your religious or political beliefs, this is a time of year in our American culture to embrace the diversity that makes America so special. Be kind to each other. Tolerate those that are different than yourself. Display affection and generosity, in whatever ways you are able to. Spread and share in the holiday spirit.
Below are some links to local ( Seattle area ) organizations and communities that reach out and help spread hope, kindness & cheer during the holiday season. The holidays are a great reminder that we are all part of this shared world, we all have joys and sorrows, success and failure stories….we all share some type of common ground.
Holiday stockings for homeless children
Give Joy this winter ( westsidebaby )

Another Hempfest in Seattle
It’s that time of year again when cannabis aficionados of all sorts gather at a waterfront park in Seattle for a weekend of pot related festivities, both for fun and for education/activism….I have been a part of hempfest both as an attendee and as a volunteer for years and will say you make of it what you chose. With that said, have an enjoyable #Hempfest Seattle!😎
Below isa link to a well done guide ( in my opinion) about the basics in and outs of navigating hempfest, including basiq FAQ and schedules of all 3 days. https://www.leafly.com/news/lifestyle/seattle-hempfest-2019-guide-schedule-information?fbclid=IwAR0rWphBfnVQ0lVWAE6HDl3k6mljd81x9Hi2maLVLJ6d4xDW3HTkss3mnMk

A Fall dusk in Seattle
Be merry, make merry, enjoy mary 😉 and Happy Holidays!
The day after the day after the day
It’s superhero time
Emerald City Comic Con starts today and will be happening throughout the weekend. In my opnion it’s fun to step outside the box from time to time and be an alter-ego of sorts, happily surprise others with your unexpected daring, fun, playful, & bold perspectives and actions. That is how I see events like these, a way to stay in touch with the magic of our youth that was imagination. This is just me for a weekend, at high noon on Monday I return back to my more familiar self.
Happy Blue Friday
Hempfest is in the air in Seattle
#hempfest living… music, cannabis, and food… a day at #seattlehempfest #maryjanesgirl #stonerfood
High comedy festival in Seattle for hempfest
Next weekend in Seattle will be pulsing with hemp advocates, consumers, and the curious…with Seattle Hempfest happening, the Highlarious comedy festival and the Hempfest Business Trade show. Pick one or indulge in all 3, but if you;re in Seattle next weekend and know a lil about cannabis, why not learn a little more and have a unique fun time while do it! I Love to laugh, so I’ll be checking out the comedy fest fo sho. 🙂
Seattle Summer Sunset
While stopped in traffic on ballard bridge I took in the sunset.
I am a 12 ;-)
It’s blue Friday, playoffs, and the divisional tittle game this Sunday…Seattle is alive with the eclectic energy of the #12’s the 12th man. The feeling here in Seattle is electric and jovial, truly something beautiful to witness and be a part of. Yes, I said beautiful in reference to gridiron football, when you see how the community joins together for a common cause, smiling, helping, saying hi to strangers and having conversations with people who on the surface you may not ever have an ice breaker to say hi or realize that we all have things in common despite some apparent differences, well that is beautiful my friends. Some people are shocked I am such a football fan, just as sometimes I am shocked at how eco friendly and liberal some of the pickup truck driving, buzzcut wearing, fisherman can be. 🙂 The 12’s break all boundaries, social stereo types and brings us together.
12th woman