Love not hate

legalize marriage bewteen consenting adults, practice love & tolerance
legalize marriage between consenting adults, practice love & tolerance

The “purple hand” was an early symbol of the gay liberation movement and an effort to show resilience in the face of anti-gay attacks. The term originates from Oct 31st 1969 when activists protested the San Francisco Examiner’s series of anti-gay articles by protesting in front of the building. Employees of the newspaper dumped purple ink on the peaceful protesters. The activists used the ink to draw slogans on the building and to make a visible mark of gay uprising.

Doves are crying

Prince -3052613-1+cameron+stewart

I mourned this dude for 17 days and 17 long nights. He passed under the cherry moon, and the mystery and pure genius of him will mesmerize, enchant and be a  provocateur for people for centuries to come, a true legend, and we got to experience his presence.  Enjoy the afterlife Prince. <3



NOTE: Images are not mine, found online , they were created for prince tribute by various artist, I no way intend to claim ownership or rights of these images, just sharing

It’s cupids day to reign

There doesn’t need a to be a special occasion to read erotic poetry, but valentines day is the occasion if there ever was one. Enjoy the romance of lust and love….happy cupids day cyber world!

a little poetic erotica for Valentines day
a little poetic erotica for Valentines day

vday toast
sparkling wine, strawberries, two dozen roses, candlelight and my boo = a dope valentines kickoff